FAQ category: No BankID

A1 certificate

The A1 certificate shows which social insurance system a person belongs to. The A1 certificate must be attached when ordering cards for an EU Citizen posted from a foreign company. The employee will get the certificate from the local authority in his/her homeland and the certificate shows that the employee already belongs to another social insurance system and therefore should not pay tax for social fees in Sweden. The A1 certificate is mandatory when an EU Citizen employed in a foreign company applies for an ID06 card.

How do I order a card when the card holder doesn´t have an eID?

If the card holders doesn´t have an approved eID (electronical ID), it´s possible to scan a passport or a national ID card as identification method.
Book an appointment at an authorized scanning partner, we recommend you to use Sistec. Book an appointment at Sistec
When ordering a new card, select Manual ID verification in the order portal.
Instructions for ordering and registrations will be found here

How to scan passport or ID card

It is possible to scan a passport or a national ID card as identification method. Book an appointment at Sistec for scanning of approved IDs, here Guide, order a card with passport/ID card Guide, create account with passport/ID card Guide, activate a card with passport/ID card

No eID / BankID?

To register the Company and to create a personal ID06 account, book an appointment with Sistec for manual support. They have offices all over Sweden and many mobile teams at different locations in Europe. When the registration process at Sistec is finished and approved, order your new ID06 cards here Book an appointment at Sistec here You will find the legal frame work for EU /EES Citizens, British Citizens, third country nationals, asylum seekers, here  

Approved passports and ID cards

The legal framework for ID06 cards for EU / EEA Citizens, third-country nationals and asylum seekers, will be found here  

Scan passports or IDs

Doesn´t the card holder has an approved eID (electronical ID) that has been approved in the ID06-system? You can scan an approved passport or National ID at an authorized ID06 scanning partner, we recommend you to use Sistec. To register the Company and to create a personal ID06 account, book an appointment with Sistec for manual support. They have offices all over Sweden and many mobile teams at different locations in Europe. When the registration process at Sistec is finished and approved, order your new ID06 cards here Guidelines for registrations and orders

How to order cards with passport/ID scanning

Log in to the Nexus order portal
  1.  Select ”manual ID verification in the order portal.

  2.  When the order is confirmed, the card holder will receive an email with instructions for the scanning process.

  3.  After approved scanning, the card holder must create a personal account in the ID06 system.

  4. The card holder will approve the card order with passport or a national ID card.

  5. Nexus will produce the card

Make sure to attach the A1 certificate when needed. The A1 certificate shows which social insurance system a person belongs to. The A1 certificate must be attached when ordering cards for a EU Citizen posted from a foreign Company. For example; a Polish Company that orders ID06 cards for their employees in Poland for work in Sweden.
More information here
If you need manual support to register your account or to register a Company, contact our partner Sistec for support